20.08.2006, 20:58 |
deutsche. Zeitgeschichte mal ganz anders - Thread gesperrt |
-->Was ist wahr?
Wahr erscheint aus heutiger Sicht, dass die führenden dt. Politiker und Jounalisten keinerlei Selbstwertgefühl, Selbstrespekt und Selbstveranbtwortung erkennen lassen, das ist mehr als erschreckend. Unbeschadet der Vergangenheit, ist dies ein weitverbreiteter deutscher Charakterzug, insbesondere bei den Jahrgängen 1945 - 1970?
Die Schuld für die zunehmende Verstrickung Deutschlands in die Streitigkeiten der Weltmächte bei denen zu suchen, die davon seit Jahrzehnten profitieren, ist alles andere als fair. Es hiesse, die Verantwortung auf andere abschieben zu wollen. Die deutsche wachsende Verstrickung und künftige Misere ist primär selbstverursacht.
Der Rest der Geschichte bleibt ungewiss.
Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor
by Henry Makow Ph.D. - August 19, 2006
According to Wikipedia, Heinrich Mueller, (b. April 29, 1900) Chief of the Gestapo and Adolf Eichmann's boss,"disappeared in May 1945 and remains the only senior figure of the Nazi regime who was never captured or confirmed to have died."
In fact, the Gestapo chief escaped to Switzerland where he worked for the government under an assumed name. In 1948, the CIA recruited him as a Soviet counter espionage specialist because the US government was rife with Communists. Frank Wisner and James Kronthal hired him for $50K annual salary and a $1 million signing bonus.
Mueller was soon on a first-name basis with President Harry S. Truman. Wearing his Nazi medals, Mueller entertained Truman at home, played Bach, and gave him stolen art and a case of fine whiskey. Truman may be his son's godfather.
Mueller came to the US with his Gestapo helpers and soon had Washington bugged. He spied on his CIA superiors and informed Truman that they were tapping his phone. He advised Truman on Soviet intentions during the Korean War based on his contacts with Soviet spies in Washington, (including Kim Philby) and his experience as the Communists' Number One Nemesis.
He lived under a Swiss identity, had US army bodyguards and employed an assassin who immediately dispatched anyone who raised questions about Mueller's real identity. At least a half-dozen people met their end in this way.
Mueller's 200-page Journal covering the period March 1949 to Sept 1951 is for sale as a PDF file for $6.25 at under the title"The CIA Covenant: Nazis in Washington" by Gregory Douglas. Some excerpts are on the site. You can also pay $36 for the hard cover at Amazon.
Obviously capable of great ruthlessness, (he boasts of literally flushing Hitler's would-be assassin down the toilet) Mueller emerges from these journals as surprisingly civilized, urbane and intelligent. An accomplished pianist and chess player, he enjoyed fine art and literature. He was extremely wealthy thanks to gold and art stolen during the war. One of his CIA functions was to fence their stolen art. His bosses kept the proceeds.
He says people like Alan Dulles, James Angleton and Frank Wisner embezzled millions from"top secret" projects. For example, they pocketed a million dollar bribe to depose the democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mossedagh. Mueller got a share.
A Catholic, Mueller had worked for the Bavarian State Police and prosecuted Nazis as well as Communists. When the Nazis came to power, they kept him on the job. He became fiercely loyal to Adolph Hitler and continued to celebrate the Fuehrer's birthday in Washington with many highly-placed Americans.
"I never was a practicing Nazi," he wrote April 9, 1949," but we cannot discuss that because a number of my [CIA] superiors are secret sympathizers and that would not impress them at all. I am now a true Party member and fighter against Communism."
Mueller regarded Washington as a cross between a zoo and an insane asylum. He had contempt for his CIA colleagues whom he cuckolded regularly. Many were gay and, in spite of being racist, had Black lovers. The wives were also a rich source of information.
The CIA is filled with" pseudo-intellectuals, drunks and egomaniacs" that have no idea at all what they are doing, he wrote."[Alan] Dulles is one of those well-bred idiots who went to the correct schools and met the right people. If it weren't for that, he would be scrubbing toilets in the YMCA in some small town in New Jersey."
The CIA were trying to set national policy and would be responsible for the Beacon of Democracy sliding into Fascism, which he admitted was preferable to Communism. (Actually they both represent occult plutocratic totalitarian control. The CIA probably masterminded the JFK assassination and was involved in 9-11.)
Mueller's admiration is reserved for Harry Truman, whom he considered an honest unpretentious man, and bulwark against Communism. Communists took over the US government under FDR. If he had succeeded in putting Henry Wallace on the ticket," there is no doubt that the red flag would be flying over the “People’s Republic of North America” at this moment." (June 14, 1950)
Mueller doesn't seem to appreciate that the Communist-Fascist split reflects two branches of Freemasonry divided into house teams for the sake of war. Like FDR, Truman was a top ranking Freemason. The Illuminati Council had decided on a Cold War and obviously could not have a Communist (Wallace) in charge in America.
Nazis were recruited because the US team had too many Communists/"internationalists." Mueller and the CIA apparently was behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy's campaign against Communists in US government with the tacit support of Truman although Mueller regarded McCarthy as a grandstander, drunk and"fairy."
The"Cold War" was a continuation of WWII, with the US replacing the Nazis on the"anti-Communist" side. The"War on Terror" replaces the Cold War with"Islamo Fascism" facing off against"Zionism." Since the elite discovered in 1938 that the American public will believe that Mars is invading, they have been inventing new wars.
I do not know if the Illuminati also controls Iran and Russia/China, but naturally I'd like to think they represent real resistance to the NOW agenda.
The Holocaust
Mueller's Journal is extremely credible which is why his comments on the Jewish holocaust are very provocative.
Remember this Journal supposedly was not intended to become public. On July 9, 1949 he wrote:
"The Americans ought to set up some sort of detention camp system and put people like [Alger] Hiss and others into protective custody. I had some idiot tell me yesterday that all of our camps were filled with Jews who we gassed by the millions and then turned into lampshades, ladies gloves and hand soap! I have no idea where they get such shit but I imagine the American press makes it up for political reasons. The camps were never designed for Jews and we did not gas millions of them or make soap out of their remains. The camps were mostly for professional criminals and communists. About 75% of all camp inmates at any one given time were political prisoners and the rest divided up between criminals, spies and Jews. The worst error Himmler ever made was to put Russian prisoners into the camps because this brought typhus that killed off thousands of prisoners. The pictures often shown here of stacks of emaciated corpses are not pictures of dead Jews but pictures of typhus victims. And gas chambers at Dachau with sixty thousand gassed Jews there! I have visited Dachau on several occasions and no one was ever gassed there. Pictures of ovens with titles that “in these ovens, tens of thousands of murdered Jews were cremated” is more nonsense. All prisoners who died in jail were cremated and their ashes sent home. And especially with the typhus epidemics raging everywhere. Well, I can say nothing about it so on to other matters."
According to R. Wistrich, (/Who's Who in Nazi Germany/) Mueller had a central role in the extermination of European Jewry."He signed the circulating order requiring the immediate delivery to Auschwitz by 31 January 1943 of 45,000 Jews for extermination and countless other documents of the same tenor, which reveal his zeal in carrying out orders. In the summer of 1943 he was sent to Rome to pressurize the Italians, who were proving singularly inefficient and unenthusiastic in arresting Jews....In his hands, mass murder became an automatic administrative procedure."(p.174)
In his Interrogation, Mueller claimed:"You want to know what my role in these camps was. Let me be very brief about that. I put people into such camps for criminal or political offenses. I did not have anything whatsoever to do with the running of these camps nor their policies." He also claimed that he has a clear recollection that only a half million died in the camps, many of typhus and not all Jews.
Before becoming Gestapo Chief, Mueller was briefly in charge of arranging Jewish emigration. In 1939 he personally organized the famous steamship"St. Louis" effort to settle 900 well-to-do German Jews in Cuba. FDR felt they were too close to America and blocked it, evidence that FDR represented a power that was not strictly speaking"Jewish."
soweit das Zitat aus einem Artikel ohne Verknüpfung, da die Quelle umstritten sein dürfte;
Ob der Beitrag der geschichtlichen Wahrheit damit näher kommt?
Für die Charakterfehler in der dt. Politik sind die Aussagen gewiss völlig unerheblich.
Baldur der Ketzer
20.08.2006, 21:20
@ André
Re: deutsche. Zeitgeschichte mal ganz anders - |
>>ist dies ein weitverbreiteter deutscher Charakterzug, insbesondere bei den Jahrgängen 1945 - 1970?
Mag sein, aber ich bin ein Vor-70er, und bei mir hat die schulische und sonstig-mediale Umerziehung völlig versagt. Also, tröstlich, Ausnahmen gibts durchaus. Ein paar ganz renitente Unbelehrbare halt
Beste Grüße vom Ketzer
20.08.2006, 21:48
@ André
deutsche. Zeitgeschichte mal ganz anders |
-->Hallo André,
## Wahr erscheint aus heutiger Sicht, dass die führenden dt. Politiker und Jounalisten keinerlei Selbstwertgefühl, Selbstrespekt und Selbstveranbtwortung erkennen lassen, das ist mehr als erschreckend. Unbeschadet der Vergangenheit, ist dies ein weitverbreiteter deutscher Charakterzug, insbesondere bei den Jahrgängen 1945 - 1970?##
ich will das Problem, deine beklagten fehlenden Eigenschaften bei den Politikern, nicht weiter auswalzen, aber schaue dir die aktuellen Prozesse in den Vorzeigedemokratien an, die USA und Großbritannien, dann siehst du mit Leichtigkeit, wie in beiden Ländern alle heiligen Grundsätze der Demokratie, und somit auch die Gründe für deine Klage, geopfert worden sind. Nicht zu vergessen dabei, die sog. Intellektuellen, den Mundwerksburschen aus den Medien. Alles gleichgeschaltet, keine Zivilcourage, keine Gegengruppierung aus dem wohlhabenden Bürgertum, nichts, alle haben sich untergeordnet, schwelgen im Kriegsrausch und genießen die patriotischen Aufbaupropaganda in allen Medien.
In einer lebendigen, offenen Gesellschaft sind Politiker mit deinen oben genannten Attributen nicht gerade an jeder Ecke zu finden, aber ab und an gab es immer jemanden, mit einer kleinen Hausmacht, der eine Gegenposition vertat, die auch bekannt wurde.
Schaue hin, und du siehst zum Glück, zum Trost, oder leider, das was man uns Deutschen immer wieder versucht als unsere Erbsünde unterzuschieben, das siehst du dort in voller Blüte ebenso. Deshalb wird der Misthaufen zwar nicht kleiner, aber Schadenfreude ist und bleibt die schönste Freude.
bis denne
20.08.2006, 22:23
@ prinz_eisenherz
Re: @ Baldur und Prinz Eisenherz |
-->Ja klar doch,
sehe ich auch im Ausland und dass es auch in diesen Jahrgängen Unverbogene gibt, zum Glück.:-)
Aber ich finde, man sollte hier wie überall mehr betonen, dass für das eigne Schicksal nicht primär diejenigen Mächte Verantwortung tragen (oder"Schuld sind"), die von unseren Schwächen zehren, sondern"wir" selbst, die wir eigene Charakterschwächen billigend sich entwickeln lassen und uns, bzw. Deutschland, mehr denn je zu einem willigen Werkzeug fremder Interessen machen. Eine perfide"Kunst", die dt. Politiker aus Sozis (u.a. Beck, Steinmeier, Struck), aus CDU(Jung, Schäuble, Beckstein(CSU) und auch Merkel)sowie bei Grün (seit Anbeginn die komplette Mannschaft!) in besonderem Masse zu beherrschen scheinen.
Und die verantwortlichen grossen Medienkonzerne sind gleichen oder gar schlimmeren Kalibers.
Hoffe da ist Besserung in Sicht.
20.08.2006, 23:01
@ André
Re: deutsche. Zeitgeschichte mal ganz anders - |
-->Zu der Überschrift habe ich auch noch einen Link …
<ul> ~ klick ;-) </ul>