25.07.2001, 07:53 |
SA - Minen -Strike Vorbereitungen- News von der Nacht Thread gesperrt |
Hallo und einen guten Morgen,
hier die nächtlichen Strike NEWS aus SA:
Wednesday, July 25, 2001
Metals: Gold, Palladium Group
South African gold mines confident of averting strike
.......JOHANNESBURG: South Africa's Chamber of Mines said on Tuesday it was confident a strike at the country's gold and coal mines would be averted after unions agreed to present its revised wage offers to their members. The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), which had planned to strike on Thursday, would present the new proposals to its members and then meet with the Chamber again on Friday, a statement from the Chamber said.
......."The Chamber is confident that settlement will be reached on Friday," it said. The mining houses had agreed to NUM demands for a minimum wage of 2,000 rand ($242.90) a month for the coming two years, from a current industry minimum of 1,200 rand.
.......The statement also said that employees above that minimum level would receive pay rises ranging between 7.5 and 8.5 percent for both years.
.......The NUM had demanded an annual increase of 8.5 percent, while mining houses had offered nine percent for the lowest-paid workers and between 7.25 percent and 7.5 percent for the rest
</center> |
25.07.2001, 08:30
@ AU
Durban tritt aus der Arbeitgebervereinigung aus! |
businessreport SA:
>Miners' strike on hold
July 25 2001 at 07:34AM
Johannesburg - The nationwide strike that threatened the future of marginal mines and smaller operations has been put on hold at gold mines, but the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said last night that industrial action would go ahead at certain coal operations as planned.
Frans Barker, the chief negotiator for the Chamber of Mines, said the union had asked to meet gold companies again on Friday, giving the NUM time to present the final offers to its members.
Gold companies improved their offers to meet the union's demand for a R2 000 minimum salary for the lowest-paid workers, but this would only be implemented over two years.
Other employees above the minimum wage scale would get a wage increase of between 7,5 percent and 8,5 percent for both years.
Gwede Mantashe, the general secretary of the NUM, said the union would table different positions on different mines today.
Strikes were expected to go ahead at the Anglo, Ingwe and Eyesizwe collieries.
This was after the coal industry's smaller operations, Duiker, Kangra and AfriOre, satisfied all of the union's demands.
The turnaround was likely to confuse workers after Monday's ballot vote to go on strike at all the mines tomorrow.
Meanwhile, two labour unions in the steel industry said they were considering a strike after wage negotiations with steel and mining group Iscor collapsed yesterday.
The MWU-Solidarity and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) told Reuters they had exhausted the legal possibilities.
"We will now obtain a mandate to strike and notify the employer of a protected strike," the unions said.
Iscor has offered a 7 percent wage increase, while the unions want an increase of around 8 percent.
News of the settlement with the gold industry comes as Durban Roodepoort Deep (DRD), one of South Africa's smaller gold producers, came close to withdrawing from the negotiations, frustrated that the chamber apparently no longer represented the interests of marginal operations.
"This is categorically the last time DRD negotiates with its labour force through the chamber," Mark Wellesley-Wood, the chairman of DRD, said yesterday.
There are also indications that other gold companies were similarly frustrated by the process
[b] Offensichtlich fühlt sich Durban nicht mehr durch die Chamber in seinen Interessen verteten. Zwischen den Zeilen lässt sich die Drohung erkennen, einen eigenen Abschluss mit der Gewerkschaft zu vereinbaren, um einen Streik zu vermeiden.
Die Interessen der großen und kleinen Minen sind offensichtlich nicht in einer Vereinigung unterzubringen. Die Minen, die auf dem grössten Cashpolster sitzen, sind am wenigsten zu Zugeständnissen bereit. Bei dem marginalen Unterschied zwischen Lohnforderung und Angebot drängt sich auch der Verdacht auf, Anglo wolle einen Streik provozieren, um die Konkurrenz zu ruinieren. Daher wohl der Unmut bei Durban. Bezeichnenderweise finden auch die Warnstreiks bei Anglo statt.
</center> |
25.07.2001, 08:40
@ Rumpelstilzchen
Re: Sehr gut beobachtet! (owT) |
25.07.2001, 08:42
@ Rumpelstilzchen
Re: passend hierzu das bessere 2. Quartal Ergebnis von Anglogold! |
Hallo Rumpelstilzchen,
unten nachfolgend das aktuelle Ergebnis von ANGLOGOLD,
nicht zu übersehen, daß SA auch aus Kostengründen schwer-
punktmäßig, reduziert wird der Rand Kurs ist zwar in
der Range, zeigt aber die allgemeine Verunsicherung.
AngloGold's profit expected to be up 7% as local mines turn the corner
July 25 2001 at 07:41AM
Johannesburg - AngloGold was likely to report net profit of R469 million in the second quarter, 7 percent more than the first quarter, according to the average estimate of five analysts polled by Bloomberg News.
AngloGold will report earnings on July 31.
AngloGold will probably benefit from a reduction in costs at its South African mines and rising profit from operations in Mali and Tanzania, where it has joint ventures with Randgold Resources and Ashanti Goldfields.
AngloGold wants to cut costs by 10 percent this year by selling or closing its less profitable gold mines and mining more efficiently. Earlier this year it sold the Elandsrand and Deelkraal mines to Harmony Gold Mining and is in talks to sell more operations.
The sales came after the company blamed mining errors and aging infrastructure at local mines for falling profit last year.
Earnings are also likely to have been helped by the decline in the value of the rand against the dollar as South African gold producers pay most costs in rands while selling their metal for dollars. The average value of the rand against the US currency was 2,3 percent lower during the quarter compared with the preceding three months. At the same time, the average price of gold rose 1,6 percent to $268,16 an ounce.
Still, earnings in the current quarter are under threat as the National Union of Mineworkers, which represents most gold miners, has threatened to call an industry-wide strike.
"I think the South African mines turned the corner in the first quarter and I am sure you will see more of an improvement on the cost side," said Allan Cooke, an analyst at Rice Rinaldi Securities.
"They might get some extra ounces out of Morila and Geita," said David Davis, an analyst at Standard Equities, referring to its mines in Mali and Tanzania.
AngloGold closed unchanged at R306 yesterday.
>>Miners' strike on hold
>July 25 2001 at 07:34AM
>Johannesburg - The nationwide strike that threatened the future of marginal mines and smaller operations has been put on hold at gold mines, but the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) said last night that industrial action would go ahead at certain coal operations as planned.
>Frans Barker, the chief negotiator for the Chamber of Mines, said the union had asked to meet gold companies again on Friday, giving the NUM time to present the final offers to its members.
>Gold companies improved their offers to meet the union's demand for a R2 000 minimum salary for the lowest-paid workers, but this would only be implemented over two years.
>Other employees above the minimum wage scale would get a wage increase of between 7,5 percent and 8,5 percent for both years.
>Gwede Mantashe, the general secretary of the NUM, said the union would table different positions on different mines today.
>Strikes were expected to go ahead at the Anglo, Ingwe and Eyesizwe collieries.
>This was after the coal industry's smaller operations, Duiker, Kangra and AfriOre, satisfied all of the union's demands.
>The turnaround was likely to confuse workers after Monday's ballot vote to go on strike at all the mines tomorrow.
>Meanwhile, two labour unions in the steel industry said they were considering a strike after wage negotiations with steel and mining group Iscor collapsed yesterday.
>The MWU-Solidarity and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) told Reuters they had exhausted the legal possibilities.
>"We will now obtain a mandate to strike and notify the employer of a protected strike," the unions said.
>Iscor has offered a 7 percent wage increase, while the unions want an increase of around 8 percent.
>News of the settlement with the gold industry comes as Durban Roodepoort Deep (DRD), one of South Africa's smaller gold producers, came close to withdrawing from the negotiations, frustrated that the chamber apparently no longer represented the interests of marginal operations.
>"This is categorically the last time DRD negotiates with its labour force through the chamber," Mark Wellesley-Wood, the chairman of DRD, said yesterday.
>There are also indications that other gold companies were similarly frustrated by the process
>[b] Offensichtlich fühlt sich Durban nicht mehr durch die Chamber in seinen Interessen verteten. Zwischen den Zeilen lässt sich die Drohung erkennen, einen eigenen Abschluss mit der Gewerkschaft zu vereinbaren, um einen Streik zu vermeiden.
>Die Interessen der großen und kleinen Minen sind offensichtlich nicht in einer Vereinigung unterzubringen. Die Minen, die auf dem grössten Cashpolster sitzen, sind am wenigsten zu Zugeständnissen bereit. Bei dem marginalen Unterschied zwischen Lohnforderung und Angebot drängt sich auch der Verdacht auf, Anglo wolle einen Streik provozieren, um die Konkurrenz zu ruinieren. Daher wohl der Unmut bei Durban. Bezeichnenderweise finden auch die Warnstreiks bei Anglo statt.
</center> |
25.07.2001, 08:57
@ AU
Re: Minen - Results- Infos.! |
übrigens hat Ashanti gestern ein neues Jahreshoch
erreicht, Schluß und High 3.75$
Hier news auch von DRD:
PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE: S Africa's DRD Q2 gold output 260,483 oz
Jul. 25-MAR--
(BridgeNews) July 25, 0633 GMT/1533 JT
S Africa's DRD June qtr gold output 260,483 oz (250,130 oz)
Johannesburg, July 24 (I - et Bridge) - South Africa's Durban
Roodepoort Deep Limited (DRD) Tuesday announced a 4% increase in gold
production to 260,483 ounces for the quarter ended June 30, compared to
250,130 ounces. In addition, cash costs slipped 2% to $228/oz versus
$239/oz in the March quarter.
More importantly, the group rebounded to post headline earnings of
$700,000 in the latest review period from a $8 million loss last time.
( Story.12879 )
FOCUS: S Africa's DRD licks its lips over Tolukuma prospects
Johannesburg, July 25 (I - et Bridge) - South African gold producer
Durban Roodepoort Deep Ltd (DRD) posted a much-needed turnaround in the
quarter ended June 30 Tuesday, with the prospect of more to come after the
discovery of significant further deposits at its Tolukuma mine in Papua
New Guinea. While analysts may be divided over the sustainability of the
group's performance, the group also gave further details of an expansion
program at the Blyvooruitzicht mine southwest of Johannesburg.
( Story.18439 )
Peru's Buenavantura miner Q2 net 17c ADS vs 26c ADS year ago
Lima, July 24 (BridgeNews) - Compania de Minas Buenaventura, Peru's
largest precious metals producer, reported second-quarter net income of
38.1 million soles, or 17 U.S. cents per ADS, compared with 58.4 million
soles, or 26 cents per ADS a year earlier, the company said. Production at
the Yanacocha gold mine for the period rose 10% on year to 424,110 ounces.
( Story.22150 )
S Africa's mines table fresh offer in bid to avert strike
Johannesburg, July 24 (I - et Bridge) - South Africa's Chamber of
Mines said on Tuesday evening its members had made revised proposals to
the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in a bid to avert a strike at the
country's gold and coal mines, which could include up to 175,000 workers.
( Story.19223 )
FULL: Crown Resources to buy Newmont unit gold deposit stake
Toronto, July 24 (BridgeNews) - Crown Resources Corp. said Tuesday
that it signed an agreement with Battle Mountain Gold Company, a wholly
owned subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corp., to earn a 54% participating
interest in the Crown Jewel gold deposit. Crown is now the manager of the
project and will retain its 100% interest in the 1.4 million-ounce gold
deposit. --Kelly Callaghan, BridgeNews ( Story.18253 )
S Africa electricity utility Eskom strike could add to big freeze
Johannesburg, July 25 (I - et Bridge) - Many South Africans could be
left in the cold after the first day of electricity utility Eskom's strike
saw several power failures throughout the country, which is experiencing
an unusually cold winter, the South African Press Association reports.
Unions said more than 20,000 members downed tools on Tuesday in a wage
dispute with the electricity utility.
( Story.10886 )
S Africa's mines table fresh offer in bid to avert strike
Johannesburg, July 25 (I-Net Bridge) - South Africa's Chamber of Mines
said on Tuesday evening its members had made revised proposals to the
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in a bid to avert a strike at the
country's gold and coal mines, which could include up to 175,000 workers.
( Story.19223 )
Canada's gold miner Placer Dome posts $33 mln net earnings in Q2
Tokyo, July 25 (BridgeNews) - Canadian gold and copper miner Placer
Dome Inc. announced late Tuesday net earnings of U.S. $33 million for the
second quarter of 2001, compared with a $71 million net loss for the
corresponding period of 2000. In the three months, the company produced
747,000 ounces of gold versus 715,000 ounces a year ago, a statement said.
( Story.10517 )
S African mining union, Chamber of Mines locked in talks
Johannesburg, July 24 (I - et Bridge) - The National Union of
Mineworkers (NUM) and the Chamber of Mines remained locked in talks late
on Tuesday in an effort to avert a national strike in the gold and
coal-mining sectors. The South African Press Association (Sapa) reports
that the two parties hope to reach an agreement on wage increases, annual
leave, meal intervals and medical issues.
( Story.18604 )
FOCUS: S Africa's DRD licks its lips over Tolukuma prospects
Johannesburg, July 24 (I - et Bridge) - South African gold producer
Durban Roodepoort Deep Ltd (DRD) posted a much-needed turnaround in the
quarter ended June 30 Tuesday, with the prospect of more to come after the
discovery of significant further deposits at its Tolukuma mine in Papua
New Guinea. While analysts may be divided over the sustainability of the
group's performance, the group also gave further details of an expansion
program at the Blyvooruitzicht mine southwest of Johannesburg.
( Story.18439 )
Navan: Sale of Bulgarian Krumovgard gold deposit not ruled out
London, July 24 (BridgeNews) - U.K. base and precious metals miner
Navan Mining PLC has not ruled out selling a stake in, or the complete
rights to, its Bulgarian Krumovgard gold deposit, Chris Neal, company
finance director, said Tuesday. The company has previously described the
deposit as"world class" and recently raised funds for further exploration
of the resource, but observers believe the company will require outside
help to bring the deposit to full production.
( Story.18293 )
Canada's TD Bank sees gold prices to rise to $320/oz by 2004
Toronto, July 24 (BridgeNews) - Economists at TD Bank Financial Group,
Canada's second-largest bank, said in a report Tuesday that it expects the
price of gold to trend modestly higher in the coming years. The bank
predicts that the price of gold should recover to US$290 an ounce by the
end of 2002 and should rise beyond that to $320 an ounce by 2004.
( Story.15225 )
FULL: Canada's Kinross Gold wins approval for Pentland deal
</center> |
25.07.2001, 09:16
@ AU
Re: SA - Minen - aktuelle Kurse |
Durban 0.9250$
Anglogold 18.80$
Goldfields 4.25$
Harmony 5.44$
Umsätze ungefähr so aussagekräftig,
wie die Verse von"Nostradamus"
Rand zum US $ 8.22
High Noon ist heute angesagt
>Hallo und einen guten Morgen,
>hier die nächtlichen Strike NEWS aus SA:
>Wednesday, July 25, 2001
>Metals: Gold, Palladium Group
>South African gold mines confident of averting strike
>.......JOHANNESBURG: South Africa's Chamber of Mines said on Tuesday it was confident a strike at the country's gold and coal mines would be averted after unions agreed to present its revised wage offers to their members. The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), which had planned to strike on Thursday, would present the new proposals to its members and then meet with the Chamber again on Friday, a statement from the Chamber said.
>......."The Chamber is confident that settlement will be reached on Friday," it said. The mining houses had agreed to NUM demands for a minimum wage of 2,000 rand ($242.90) a month for the coming two years, from a current industry minimum of 1,200 rand.
>.......The statement also said that employees above that minimum level would receive pay rises ranging between 7.5 and 8.5 percent for both years.
>.......The NUM had demanded an annual increase of 8.5 percent, while mining houses had offered nine percent for the lowest-paid workers and between 7.25 percent and 7.5 percent for the rest
</center> |