- Amerikanischer Protektionismus? Beispiel Stahlindustrie - Artikel - Cosa, 08.06.2001, 11:59
Amerikanischer Protektionismus? Beispiel Stahlindustrie - Artikel
Im folgenden Artikel werden die Bemühungen der us-amerikanischen Stahl-Lobby beschrieben, die Stahl-Importe zu beschränken. Sollte dies ein Weg werden die eigene Industrie zu schützen? Auch wenn eine Sanktionierung keines Weges gewiss ist, so ist es aber bereits möglich mit Einleitung des Prüfverfahrens Importrestriktionen zu erlassen und die Stahlhersteller hätten ein Etappenziel erreicht.
Schule könnte so ein Beispiel auch für andere Wirtschaftszweige werden.
Principles Be Damned!
By Mark McMullen
06/07/01 12:00 PM ET
President Bush's call for a Section 201 investigation by the ITC into unfair trade practices on the part of foreign steelmakers sets the stage for broad tariffs or quotas on steel shipments into the U.S. Despite considerable lobbying efforts, the domestic steel industry was never able to convince the Clinton Administration to take such an action. Now though, with recession looming, the possibility of temporarily saving steel jobs is outweighing the dangers of protectionism.
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Although capacity reductions are inevitable, it is likely that the current incentives faced by steel firms when deciding to shut down production are distorted relative to a longer-term perspective. In the current weak pricing environment, tepid demand from main users of steel combined with soaring
energy costs have many steelmakers struggling to remain solvent. However, the current demand for steel of construction firms and the manufacturers of autos and machinery are not necessarily in line with their growth potential. Similarly, energy costs currently vary widely across regions, and are not
always related to underlying trends.
Since demand and cost drivers may be out of line with their long-run levels, now may not be an efficient time to allow firms to die. Without intervention, it is possible that steelmakers with long-term advantages in product mix or input costs may be forced to exit. Given the current economic environment, these efficiency considerations, when combined with the stimulative nature of trade restrictions, provide some justification for protectionist steel policy.
Quelle: Dismal Scientist
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