- Argentinien droht Zahlungsausfall (sehr interessant) - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 14:52
- Hierzu noch eine kleine Ergänzung - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 15:28
- Merval: Jetzt mehr als -4% -owT- - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 15:59
- Merval: Erneuter Einbruch (-6,58%), mit Chart - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 18:45
- Kurzartikel: Argentina's MerVal stock index dives over 7 pct. - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 18:53
- Merval: Erneuter Einbruch (-6,58%), mit Chart - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 18:45
- Merval: Jetzt mehr als -4% -owT- - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 15:59
- Wenn das passiert, dann gute Nacht... owT - YIHI, 11.07.2001, 16:06
- Hierzu noch eine kleine Ergänzung - Sascha, 11.07.2001, 15:28
Kurzartikel: Argentina's MerVal stock index dives over 7 pct.
Wednesday July 11, 11:51 am Eastern Time
<font size=5>Argentina's MerVal stock index dives over 7 pct</font>
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, July 11 (Reuters) - <font color="#FF0000">Argentina's benchmark MerVal stock index dropped as much as 7.52 percent </font>in midday trade on Wednesday <font color="#FF0000">amid concern over escalating interest rates in the heavily indebted economy</font>.
The MerVal sank to 320.9 points, its lowest level since the end of 1998, <font color="#FF0000">before the January 1999 devaluation of the Brazilian real sent the Argentine economy spiraling into recession</font>.
Argentina on Tuesday <font color="#FF0000">was forced to pay the highest interest rates in five years to place $850 million in short-term debt at a T-bill auction</font>, leading to market concern the country might not be able to make payments on its $128 billion public debt.
Traders predicted a"difficult session"" early in the day.
Latin America's third-largest economy is struggling to pull itself out of three years of recession and stagnation.

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