- Sollte es im Nahen Osten ESKALIEREN, ist Suncor neben Minen - AU, 13.07.2001, 10:21
Sollte es im Nahen Osten ESKALIEREN, ist Suncor neben Minen
sicher ein interessantes Investment:
US Code SU ( natürlich auch in Canada notiert)
schürfen z.B. an der Oberfläche Ã-lsand, wie"Abfall"
Arbeiter bekommen p.A. ca. 150.000 DM
"Nachteil" pro Barrel ca. Produktionskosten 12$,
aber bei einem Konflikt im NO, und evt. Ã-lboykott
extremes Lurspotential, auch die GROSSEN Ã-lgesellschaften
wollen dort nun erheblich Investieren.
Suncor Energy Inc
112 - 4th Avenue S.W. Phone: +1 403 269-8100
Calgary ALBERTA T2P 2V5
Fax: +1 403 269-6217
Suncor Energy Incorporated. Explores and acquires, produces and markets crude oil and natural gas. The Company also refines and markets other petroleum products. The Company has three principal operating groups: Oil Sands Group, which produces and markets high quality light sweet crude oil, diesel and custom blends; Resources Group, which explores, acquires, produces and markets natural gas and crude oil; and Sunoco Group, which refines and markets crude oil and markets transportation fuels, petrochemicals and heating oils. Petroleum and chemical products accounted for 77% of 2000 revenues; oil sands, 39%; natural gas, 13% and corporate and eliminations, (29%)

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