- ot: verschwörungstheorie chandra levy - PuppetMaster, 16.07.2001, 16:56
- ... er schreibt auch über Gold - Hirscherl, 16.07.2001, 17:26
... er schreibt auch über Gold
Politisch ein wenig paranoid, aber unterhaltsam.
"In 1932, campaigning for President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, pretended to calm the waters by saying he would continue the gold standard. U.S. paper money at the time was exchangeable for gold. [...] In 1934, less than a year after being sworn in as President, Roosevelt ordered to be seized all the gold of ordinary Americans. The claim was that there was an"emergency". If you did not turn in your gold, the U.S. Secret Service had orders to search you out, grab your gold, and maybe even arrange to arbitrarily jail you."
"Some U.S. mega-banks have reserves of less than three cents on the dollar.
Such banks are actually insolvent."
"Some contend that the Federal Reserve, without lawful authority to do so, has
arranged to seize the private depositories of gold. One place private gold has
been stored has been in the several sub-basements of the Rockefeller-owned
First National Bank of Chicago, to confuse matters now called Bank One.
Reportedly some of the private gold has been seized from there without legal

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