- Greenspan heute:"Further weakness.... from... domestic events" - El Sheik, 18.07.2001, 16:59
- Re: Greenspan heute:"Further weakness.... from... domestic events" - Diogenes, 18.07.2001, 18:18
- Re: Er und alle Goldman/Sachsen springen in den Bodensee (owT) - Lullaby, 18.07.2001, 21:12
Re: Greenspan heute:"Further weakness.... from... domestic events"
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The struggling U.S. economy faces a range of hurdles that could imperil a hoped-for rebound and force the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates further, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said Wednesday.
>But Greenspan told the House Financial Services Committee that six rate cuts the Fed already has done so far this year, plus a tax cut and cheaper energy, should help the economy pull out of a slump later this year.
>"The period of sub-par economic performance, however, is not yet over, and we are not yet free of the risk that economic weakness will be greater than currently anticipated, and require further policy response," Greenspan said, adding that the weakness could come from softer demand abroad [b] or domestic events.
>aus cnnfn.com
>Was meint er wohl damit?
>GrĂźĂe vom Scheich
Hi Sheik,
Energiekrise, Kreditausfälle im allgemeinen, Ausfälle bei Kreditkarten und Hypotheken im besonderen,"Investment"häuser, die sich verzockt haben,....
...not yet free of the risk that economic weakness will be greater than currently anticipated... yes indeed, Mann.

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