- Rußland plant Einführung des Tscherwonez (Goldrubel) als off. Zahlungsmittel - Pancho, 18.07.2001, 19:51
- @pancho - Rußland ; the smart guy's and the Chinese supports. - Emerald, 18.07.2001, 20:40
Rußland plant Einführung des Tscherwonez (Goldrubel) als off. Zahlungsmittel
Heute in einem Board gefunden. Ist das ein Hoax? Wenn nicht, was könnte das für Auswirkungen haben?
Sources: Kommersant and Ekspert via Strana.ru]
move to make the gold {chervonets} coin legal tender once again,
is being hotly discussed in the Russian press, in line with the
continuing attention there to the coming crash of the U.S.
dollar. According to {Kommersant-daily}, the Central Bank acted
this past Tuesday, July 10. The chervonets coins were minted as
prospective souvenirs in 1980, at the time of the Moscow Olympics
in the Soviet Union, but the more interesting historical
reference point is the 1920s coin, of which the modern chervonets
is a replica. That was introduced by Soviet Foreign Minister
Chicherin and others, in connection with the Soviet-German
Rapallo agreements, acting at odds with the Versailles Treaty
powers. That chervonets was used exclusively for foreign
{Kommersant} wrote that the chervontsy, taken out of
mothballs in the Bank of Russia`s depository, may become"a
full-blown circulating currency, which the Russians may soon
choose as an equivalent for personal savings instead of the U.S
dollar." (Russians hold over $100 billion U.S. dollars in cash.)
{Kommersant} quoted Sergei Zaichenko of the Russian Vneshtorgbank
(Foreign Trade Bank), who said that"in order for the project to
be fully launched, the Bank of Russia has to work out a daily
sell-and-buy mechanism to establish reverse links with the
market," but added that a project to do this is under way.
On July 4, {Ekspert}`s Pavel Bykov wrote,"The gold
chervonets is back in Russia. The Bank of Russia could not have
thought of a better timing for its comeback.... Withdrawing some
amount of rubles from circulation and replacing it with the
chervontsy, minted in the former Soviet Union but unsuitable for
any other use since then, is not a bad combination. All the
better, if the chervonets manages to crowd out the U.S. dollar
and Russians start using it as an alternative savings currency.
This would be a great advantage for the Russian gold mining
industry and a great disappointment for the U.S. economy."
The Central Bank`s action, {Ekspert} said,"proves that the
Bank is seriously interested in creating a liquid market for the
gold coins. After all, a dollar is just a piece of paper, while
Russia has always preferred more valuable things.... Apart from
low prices, gold is more attractive than other investment
objects. The chervonets will be indispensable for someone who
wants to save money safely and with profit for two or three

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