- From the horses mouth: Alan heute und Kommentar - dottore, 19.07.2001, 00:01
- Re: Da Capo, nicht ganz so rot... - dottore, 19.07.2001, 00:03
Re: Da Capo, nicht ganz so rot...
> Monetary policy this year has confronted an economy that slowed sharply late last year and has
> remained weak this year, following an extraordinary period of buoyant expansion.
>#Warum hat er während der Buyoance geschwiegen? Sein"irrational exuberance" war alles und das war 1996.
> By aggressively easing the stance of monetary policy, the Federal Reserve has moved to support
> demand and, we trust, help lay the groundwork for the economy to achieve maximum sustainable
> growth.
>#Das alte Larifari.
> Our accelerated action reflected the pronounced downshift in economic activity, which
> was accentuated by the especially prompt and synchronous adjustment of production by
> businesses utilizing the faster flow of information coming from the adoption of new technologies.
>#Variante. Endlich hat er Hayek gelesen, desse zentrales Anliegen die Verteilung von Informationen für den Markt war.
> In addition to the more accommodative stance of monetary policy, demand should be assisted
> going forward by the effects of the tax cut,
>#Quatsch. Das Geld gibt immer jemand aus - entweder der Bürger oder der Staat. Nirgends bleibt was liegen.
>by falling energy costs,
>#Quatsch, da das Geld der Verbraucher so oder so ausgegeben würde. Entweder, um mehr Benzin zu kaufen und dann weniger Hot Dogs oder vice versa.
> But the uncertainties surrounding the current economic situation are considerable, and, until we see
> more concrete evidence that the adjustments of inventories and capital spending are well along, the
> risks would seem to remain mostly tilted toward weakness in the economy. Still, the FOMC opted
> for a smaller policy move at our last meeting because <font color="FF0000">we recognized</font> that the effects of policy
> actions are felt with a lag,
>#So was erkennt("recognized") die Fed erst jetzt, dass es in der Wirtschaft time-lags gibt. ZUM LACHEN! Habe ich schon 1960 im Proseminar gelernt.
> Despite the recent economic slowdown, the past decade has been extraordinary for the American
> economy. The synergies
>#Aaah, erstens vergangen und zweitens schon wieder Synergien. Kennen wir von DaimlerChrysler.
>(...) Und jetzt kommt das"Lifting of..."
>...equity prices, which in turn contributed to a substantial pickup in household spending on a broad
> range of goods and services, especially on new homes and durable goods. This increase in
> spending by both households and businesses exceeded even the enhanced rise in real household
> incomes and business earnings. The evident attractiveness of investment opportunities in the United
> States induced substantial inflows of funds from abroad,
>#Klar, Alan, und wie neu!
> raising the dollar's exchange rate while
> financing a growing portion of domestic spending.
> (...)
> Hence, a temporary glut in these industries
> and falling short-term prospective rates of return were inevitable at some point.
>#Ja, nur vorübergehend, was denn sonst?
> Moreover, weakness emerged more recently among our trading partners in Europe, Asia, and
> Latin America. The interaction of slowdowns in a number of countries simultaneously has
> magnified the softening each of the individual economies would have experienced on its own.
>#Und damit ist nun aber Schluss! Sonst zöge jeder jeden in die Tiefe...
> <font color="FF0000">At some point, inventory liquidation will come to an end, and its termination will spur production
> and incomes. </font>
>#Tja, at WHAT point? Was, if at NO point?
> In addition, a deterioration in sales, profitability, and cash flow
>#Herz, was willst Du mehr?
> Eventually, the high-tech correction will abate, and these industries will reestablish themselves as a
> solidly expanding, though less frenetic, part of our economy.
>#Solide ist immer wieder gut.
> <font color="FF0000">Of course, investment spending ultimately depends on the strength of consumer demand for goods
> and services. </font>
>#Wer hätte DAS gedacht.
> While this litany of risks should not be downplayed,
>#Litanei? Zeigt tiefen Glauben...
> By summer of last year,
>#War hier im Bord schon vorher bekannt.
>It was well into autumn, however, before one could be confident that the growth of
> aggregate demand had softened
>#Da hatten die Shortiers den Exzessören schon längst die erste Vollrasur verpasst!
> Forecasts of inflation, however, like all economic forecasts, do not have an enviable record.
>#Doll, der Mann, er sagts auch noch ganz offen.
>Rest Larifari über die menschliche Natur, die man eh nicht ändern könne, usw.
>Eine der schwächsten Reden des"Magiers" überhaupt.

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