- Microsofts Gewinn ist eingebrochen... - Sascha, 19.07.2001, 22:32
- Re: Microsofts Gewinn ist eingebrochen... - Sascha, 19.07.2001, 22:48
- 1 penny/share"Gewinn", die Aktie kostet 72$... - Taktiker, 19.07.2001, 22:54
- eine Welle kommt bestimmt - ist aber wohl eher die Verkaufs-Welle ;-) (owT) - Ghandi, 19.07.2001, 23:06
- genauer lesen!!! - No_Fear, 19.07.2001, 23:33
- Richtig: genauer lesen!!! (aber wer tut das????) - hier der Text - yatri, 20.07.2001, 00:59
- Re: Richtig: genauer lesen!!! (aber wer tut das????) - hier der Text - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 01:09
- Zusatz - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 01:12
- Re: Zusatz - yatri, 20.07.2001, 01:25
- Autosuggestion und mehr - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 11:54
- Re: Zusatz - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 12:44
- Re: Zusatz - yatri, 20.07.2001, 01:25
- Zusatz - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 01:12
- Re: Richtig: genauer lesen!!! (aber wer tut das????) - hier der Text - Sascha, 20.07.2001, 01:09
- Richtig: genauer lesen!!! (aber wer tut das????) - hier der Text - yatri, 20.07.2001, 00:59
- war eingepreist!!!!!!! - Luigi, 19.07.2001, 23:37
- 1 penny/share"Gewinn", die Aktie kostet 72$... - Taktiker, 19.07.2001, 22:54
- Gibt ein Bilderbuch"ISLAND REVERSAL" *g* (owT) - Wolfgang, 20.07.2001, 11:13
- Re: Microsofts Gewinn ist eingebrochen... - Sascha, 19.07.2001, 22:48
Richtig: genauer lesen!!! (aber wer tut das????) - hier der Text
>Microsoft Warns on 1Q Earnings
Microsoft Shares Dip 3 Percent in Extended Trading After Earnings Warning
AP Business Writer
SEATTLE (AP) -- Shares of Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) dipped 3 percent in extended trading Thursday after the software giant warned that its fiscal first quarter earnings and revenues will fall short of Wall Street's expectations.
The warning came as Microsoft said it had barely eked out a profit of $66 million or 1 cent a share in its fourth quarter ended June 30. That compares with net earnings of $2.41 billion, or 44 cents a share, in the same period last year.
The earnings number includes a massive $2.6 billion charge for the quarter for poor-performing investments.
Analysts polled by Thomson Financial/First Call had predicted earnings of 43 cents a share before the charge; Microsoft did not provide a comparable figure in its earnings release, however.
Revenues for the quarter ended June 30 were $6.58 billion, up 13 percent from $5.8 billion last year and in line with what Microsoft forecast last week.
Citing continued softening demand for personal computers, Microsoft also said it expects profits in the first quarter of its fiscal year to be between 39 cents and 40 cents, well below analysts' expectations of 45 cents. It forecast revenue of $6 billion to $6.2 billion for the first quarter, slightly below analysts' projections of $6.27 billion.
Shares of Microsoft fell $2.70 in after-hours trading after finishing the regular session on the Nasdaq Stock Market up $2.00 to $72.57.
Microsoft chief financial officer John Connors said he expects earnings to pick up in its fiscal second quarter, when the company's new operating system, Windows XP, is due to be released.
``In light of the current economic environment in the U.S. and worldwide, the fact that Microsoft has been able to grow revenue as well as operating income is viewed as quite positive, and in this market, and I think even any slight good news is well-received,'' Connors said.
Greg Vogel, an analyst with Banc of America Securities, said the warning of the weaker first quarter increases the need for Microsoft's new operating system, Windows XP, to be sucessful when it is released in October.
``While XP looks to be a pretty strong product and a somewhat important upgrade... there may not be enough to get (consumers) to run out and upgrade as they did with Windows 95,'' he said.
For the fiscal year ended June 30, Microsoft had earnings of income of $7.35 billion, or $1.32 a share, on revenue of $25.3 billion. For fiscal year 2000, earnings were $9.42 billion, or $1.70 a share, on revenue of $22.96 billion
>Microsoft hat im vierten Geschäftsquartal einen Gewinn vor Steuern und EINMALKOSTEN von 43 Cent pro Aktie erwirtschaftet. Das liegt auf der Linie der Analystenschätzungen.
>>Läßt man die in den vergangenen Jahren so reichlich vorhandene"Fantasie" der Anleger mal ein wenig spielen -aber eben nicht bullisch, sondern bärisch- dann könnte man ja evtl. davon ausgehen, dass dieses Dividendenpapier (welches ja eh keine Dividenden zahlt) mal einige Jahre lang solche Penny-Ergebnisse produziert oder gar die Gewinnschmälerungen bis in fette Verlustbereiche hinein fortsetzt...
>>Diese Frage sollte man mal den gewieften Aktien- und Fondverhökerern stellen, die sonst immer mit reichlich"Fantasie" gesegnet sind. Ein Witz, dieser Aktienpreis!!! Aber keine Sorge, Welle 5 kommt und das wird noch witziger! MSFT dann bei 100 oder 120...

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