- SA Minen Eröffnung - Rand- Strike"News" - AU, 24.07.2001, 09:21
- Re: Durban - News - AU, 24.07.2001, 13:17
SA Minen Eröffnung - Rand- Strike"News"
Hallo und einen guten Morgen,
Rand im Angesicht des Streiks in der Strom und
Minenindustrie recht stabil.
Aktuell 8.1810 zum $
Durban Deep ( wie der Name schon sagt, arbeiten
dort die Arbeiter, relativer Tief und Durban wäre deshalb bei
einem Streik uu. besonders tangiert.
Hier von gestern Abend der letzte Stand:
S Africa's energy and mining sectors face strikes
By James Lamont in Johannesburg
Published: July 23 2001 17:50GMT | Last Updated: July 23 2001 20:58GMT
The first wave of strike action in the energy and mining sectors begins on Tuesday in South Africa after the breakdown of talks in annual rounds of wage negotiations.
About 20,000 workers, affiliated to the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), the National Union of Metalworkers and MWU-Solidarity, are expected to strike on Tuesday at Eskom, the state-owned electricity utility. Wage talks over pay rises for the lowest paid workers reached deadlock; the unions want an 11 per cent rise for the lowest paid while the government has offered 9 per cent.
Eskom is relying on an agreement that prevents workers in essential services from going on strike to maintain power supplies across the country. The unions, whose membership represents about a third of the workforce, have disputed this service agreement.
The NUM, meanwhile, intends taking its 155,000 members out on strike at the country's gold and coal mines from Thursday after wage negotiations also reached deadlock.
The outcome of a union ballot on whether to go-ahead with the strike will be known on Tuesday.
Should members vote to strike, the operations of the large gold producers AngloGold, GoldFields and Harmony and AngloCoal and Billiton collieries will be disrupted. South Africa is the world's largest gold producer and produces coal for export and for local coal-fired electricity generation.
The Chamber of Mines, which represents big mining companies, on Monday was still hoping to reach a settlement over the next two days. Steve Lenahan, a spokesman for AngloGold, said the company had hoped to reach a deal for an increased wage rise that promoted better productivity, but that the balloting of members increased tensions.
The union and gold companies have reached a stalemate over a minimum salary level and annual wage increases. The NUM wants the minimum wage to move to R2,000 ($242) a month over the next two years and an annual wage increase of 8.5 per cent each year. The mining companies are offering increases of between 7.25 per cent and 9 per cent for different categories of workers.
Strikes in South Africa have fallen dramatically since black majority rule in 1994 as a result of the introduction of speedy dispute resolution mechanisms.
Die aktuelle Minen Kurse:
Anglogold ADR 18.70$
Anglo American PLC 13.45
Durban 0.89.50 $
Goldfields 4.28 $
Harmony 5.38 $
Auffallend sind im Moment die extrem geringen Umsätze, hier
wird abermals die angespannte Situation in SA erkennbar.
Beste Grüße

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