- Böse Schlappe für den Debitismus - es gibt Guthaben ohne Verbindlichkeiten - R.Deutsch, 14.08.2001, 22:25
- hier ist die Tabelle besser lesbar: (owT) - Black Raven, 15.08.2001, 00:23
- Re: Böse Schlappe für den, der nicht buchen kann - dottore, 15.08.2001, 12:53
- Re: Böse Schlappe für den, der nicht buchen kann / dottore thx! mT - JüKü, 15.08.2001, 13:29
- Re: Jetzt sehe ich vielleicht klarer - Euklid, 15.08.2001, 13:39
- Re: Böse Schlappe für den, der nicht buchen kann - Dottore / Reinhard - Dimi, 15.08.2001, 14:13
Böse Schlappe für den Debitismus - es gibt Guthaben ohne Verbindlichkeiten
und zugleich ein kleines Versöhnungsgeschenk für dottore (habe das Gefühl, Du hast Dich etwas geärgert über mich) Der folgende brisante Text wird Dir gefallen.
Letter No. 289
August 13th, 2001
The Mystery of the Disappearing SDR Certificates
by James Turk
Copyright 2001 © by The Freemarket Gold & Money Report.
Here’s a mystery for you. It ranks high with any of the great thrillers solved by Sherlock Holmes,
but this one is not fiction.
I have been arguing that the US Treasury and possibly the IMF have been selling gold, and that
their actions have depressed the gold price. But if I am right, then why has the reported weight of
the US Gold Reserve and the gold stock of the IMF remained unchanged?
The easiest answer to this question is also the most unlikely. This low probability answer is that the
US Gold Reserve and the gold stock of the IMF are not being accurately reported.
I dismiss this answer, almost completely but maybe not entirely because one never knows what
could be happening. A deliberately reported inaccurate weight of gold would mean fraud, and I don’t
see that deception to be a highly probable outcome. No, I think there has to be another answer.
I touched upon the possible solution to this mystery earlier this year. I wrote (Letter No. 283,
"Behind Closed Doors") that the portion of the US Gold Reserve stored at the depository in West
Point, New York had been swapped with gold owned by the Bundesbank, and that the gold in the
German central bank had been sold. So far, nothing I have seen refutes this contention, and
correspondence from the Bundesbank has wrapped much of its gold policy in a cloak of
confidentiality, adding credence to my conclusion. After all, if my supposition weren’t true, why not
just disclose the facts to convincingly refute it?
Be that as it may, there were some loose ends that in my mind needed to be tidied up in order to add
more substance to my contention that much of the US Gold Reserve was swapped and then sold. And
first among those loose ends was the accounting. How were all of these gold transactions being
accounted for? How could all of this gold be put into play even while the reported weight of the US
Gold Reserve and the gold stock of the IMF remained unchanged? And perhaps most importantly,
why didn’t these transactions result in any apparent change on the balance sheet of the main
perpetrators of this scheme, the Federal Reserve and the Exchange Stabilization Fund? There has to
be some kind of accounting trail, doesn’t there?
I’ve thought long and hard about these questions, but have been unable to answer them to my
satisfaction - until now. And in this regard, I would like to thank David Walker, a tireless
researcher who has an uncanny ability to read between the lines of tedious and dull government
reports to get at the truth. Dave’s terrific work provided me with the motivation to continue
researching an area that until recently had been largely unfruitful for me. And what is that area? A
monetary instrument emitted by the International Monetary Fund called the SDR, an acronym for
Special Drawing Rights a.k.a. ‘paper gold’.
My intuitive sense for some time had been that SDR’s were the key necessary to unlock the door.
By understanding the SDR, I expected that one could understand what was happening to the US Gold
Reserve as well as put together a consistent accounting and the legal framework for the gold
transactions that I contend have been taking place. But even though I thought SDR’s would provide
the much sought after answer I was seeking, I was having trouble with a few things, mainly related
to the accounting.
For example, SDRs are so-called"paper gold", so this financial asset has to have a corresponding
liability just like any other ‘paper’ money, right? But I couldn't find who or what is actually liable
for the SDRs.
After digging away in the IMF archives, I found the following in an IMF accounting manual called
the Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics, in a section entitled"Definition of Financial
Assets: http://www.imf.org/external/indexlst.htm
"Monetary gold and SDRs issued by the IMF are financial assets for which there are no
corresponding financial liabilities."
How about that? No wonder I couldn't reconcile the accounting. Here's a purely financial asset with
no corresponding liability!?! SDR’s issued by the IMF are accounted in the same way that the IMF
accounts for its stock of gold. I thought that only tangible assets like gold, houses and land had no
liabilities. I never dreamed that a financial asset would not have a corresponding liability, but after
this realization, one thing led to another and everything slowly but surely started falling into place.
In"Behind Closed Doors" I included the following quote from the transcript of the January 31st,
1995 FOMC meeting:
MR. TRUMAN. The legislation governing the objectives of the ESF was changed, I think for the
most part in the mid- to late-1970s. The changes included the language that the government of the
United States and the International Monetary Fund have the obligation to promote orderly
exchange rate arrangements leading to a stable system of exchange rates.
Since first reading this candid comment I have always been struck by it. Truman is relying upon this
1970's legislation to provide the legal justification to use the ESF to bail-out Mexico. It therefore
seemed clear to me that if I could figure out what was implemented in the 1970’s, I could then come
to more precisely understand how the US Gold Reserve was being put into play.
I had been unsuccessful, however, in trying to figure out what was the legislation to which Truman
was referring. Well, I now think that he was referring at least in part to what is called the Second
Amendment of the IMF.
By way of background, when the gold crisis in the 1960's was in full swing, the original IMF articles
were amended. This First Amendment to the IMF created SDRs. Then here’s what the Second
Amendment did.
What changed under the Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF? The
Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF, which came into effect in April
1978, eliminated the use of gold as the common denominator of the par value system and as
the basis of the value of the SDR. The Amendment also abolished the official price of gold and
abrogated the obligatory uses of gold in transactions between the IMF and its members…
Under the Amendment, members undertook to collaborate with the IMF and other members
with respect to reserve assets to promote better international surveillance of international
I draw your attention to the last sentence. I think this statement explains what Ted Truman was
referring to. The term"international liquidity" is a euphemism I think that gives a carte blanche to
do whatever the various IMF members want to do, using assets that are at hand or whatever assets
that they create out of thin air, to intervene and manipulate any market anyway they want under
the guise of"international liquidity" - which really means to let the banks create credit out of thin
air for no other purpose but to keep the present system afloat so they can preserve their position of
privilege and keep lining their pockets.
The following quote is from the"User's Guide to the SDR" published by the IMF.
3. Improvements in the SDR after the Second Amendment:
One of the major objectives of the Second Amendment of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement, which
became effective on April 1, 1978, is to make the SDR the principal reserve asset of the
international monetary system. To this end, the Fund’s Executive Board has taken a number of
decisions to improve the yield on the SDR and its liquidity and usability. At the same time, certain
obligations arising from participation have been eliminated.
"Improvements" to you and me may sound innocuous, but in reality these 'improvements' have
only one objective - to keep the present system afloat by providing more power to governments
working hand-in-hand with the banking cartel. So far I’m not sure of all the ways the SDR became
more usable, nor have I yet discovered all the obligations that were eliminated when the Second
Amendment"improved" the SDR. But I have learned enough about the SDR to conclude why the
accounting of the US Gold Reserve does not appear to have changed. This mystery can be solved by
first solving a second mystery, the case of the disappearing SDR Certificates.
To begin, it is necessary to provide some background information gleaned from more hours of
studying arcane IMF accounting than I care to admit, but I’ll keep it simple. And the way to do that
is to show how ‘real gold’ and Gold Certificates are accounted, because I have learned that ‘paper
gold’ and SDR Certificates are accounted essentially the same way.
The US Gold Reserve does double-duty. It sits in the vaults at Fort Knox and the other depositories,
but the US Treasury has issued Gold Certificates against it. The Federal Reserve owns these Gold
Certificates, giving the Fed a claim to the 261.6 million ounces in the US Gold Reserve. Simple
enough, and the same transaction is used for ‘paper gold’ - the SDR’s - with just one small
difference. The US Treasury has transferred its SDR’s to the ESF, so the ESF and not the US
Treasury issued the SDR Certificates now owned by the Federal Reserve.
Importantly, these SDR Certificates are being accounted for much the same way as the Gold
Certificates. Both are carried at book value, which is much less than their market value. The Gold
Certificates are carried on the Federal Reserve’s books at $11,046 million, which doesn’t sound like
much. However, when you consider that these Gold Certificates are being valued at only $42.22 per
ounce, this asset represents the entire 261.6 million ounces in the US Gold Reserve. And the SDR
Certificates are being valued at - well, here is where it starts to get interesting. And here is where
the mystery of the disappearing SDR Certificates comes into play. Look at the decline in the SDR
Certificates in the accompanying table.
Exchange Stabization Fund
Federal Reserve
(in millions)
(in millions)
The above table presents the SDR assets and liabilities of the ESF and the Fed. Though recent
figures for the ESF are not available, as of August 9th the Fed still owns only 2,200 million of SDR
Certificates, so presumably the SDR entries on the ESF balance sheet have not changed much since
December 2000. To understand why the SDR Certificates are disappearing as well as where they are
going, more background information is necessary.
The US, like each IMF Member, owns SDR’s but is also responsible for the value of the SDR. Note
#4 of the ESF’s financial statement for 1999 explains it thus:"Its [the SDR’s] value as a reserve asset
derives, essentially, from the commitments of participants to hold and accept SDR’s and to honor various
obligations connected with its proper functioning as a reserve asset."
As of December 1998, the ESF owned 10,603 million SDR’s, but it had a liability for 6,899 million
SDR’s. What does this liability represent? Here’s what Schedule B of the Articles of Agreement of
the IMF says:"…0.888671 gram of fine gold shall be equivalent to one special drawing right." That
means 35 SDR’s equals one ounce of gold. So the US has the potential obligation as of December
2000 - if required to make good on SDR’s issued - to pay to the IMF or its members 182.4 million
ounces of gold, some 69.7% of the US Gold Reserve.
That huge liability is pretty scary, but it is only a potential liability. Who knows whether the US will
ever be required to make good on it, or if it does, whether the US will default just like it defaulted in
1933 on its obligation to pay US government bonds in gold and in 1971 on its obligation to redeem 35
dollars for one ounce of gold. Those are problems to worry about in the future. Of more immediate
concern is the decline in the SDR Certificates. What is that all about? To answer this question and
to solve this mystery of the disappearing SDR Certificates, we have to once again go back to basics.
Why are the SDR Certificates declining? The basic answer is quite simple. The SDR Certificates
MUST BE reduced if the ESF intends to use its SDR’s for any purpose, such as market intervention
or swaps. In other words, the SDR Certificates are a claim against the SDR’s, so the SDR
Certificate must be cancelled to remove any claims on the SDR before the SDR can be used by the
ESF. But the amount of SDR’s owned by the ESF hasn’t changed except briefly in early 1999, so it
seems that the SDR’s are not being used for any purpose.
So what I think has happened is that the SDR Certificates are themselves being used by the ESF.
Here’s what the IMF says about the use of SDR’s in swaps:"In accordance with Article XIX, Section
2(c), the Fund prescribes that...a participant, by agreement with another participant, may engage in an
operation by which (a) one of the parties transfers [i.e., swaps] to the other party SDRs in exchange for
an equivalent amount of currency or another monetary asset, other than gold."
Thus, SDR’s cannot be swapped for gold, but there is no IMF regulation that prohibits the swapping of
SDR Certificates for gold. So let’s take this observation to its logical conclusion, namely, that the ESF
and/or the Federal Reserve has been swapping SDR Certificates issued by the ESF for gold owned by
the Bundesbank, and presumably other central banks as well because we noted above that the
Second Amendment states that"members undertook to collaborate with the IMF and other
members" for the sake of international liquidity. So presumably, all IMF members are committed to
undertake any scheme that the US government may hatch.
This interpretation may also explain the strange response to Alan Greenspan by the Fed’s General
Counsel, Virgil Mattingly, who has"no clear recollection of exactly" what he said during the
January 31st, 1995 FOMC meeting, even though it seems most likely that the transcript accurately
records him as saying"gold swaps". In his June 8, 2001 note to Greenspan, Mattingly states:"I can
confirm that I have no knowledge of any ‘gold swaps’ by either the Federal Reserve or the ESF." Is
Mattingly being truthful? Yes, I think so, at least in regard to the precise choice of terms used in his
Remember President Clinton’s exegesis on the definition of the word is? Lawyer Mattingly I think is
playing the same game. By this line of thinking, neither the Federal Reserve nor the ESF do ‘gold
swaps’. Instead, these transactions are probably called"SDR Certificate Swaps" or some other
similar term, although the FOMC participants may use the unofficial term"gold swaps" as a
short-hand moniker that is not only easier to say than the official name of the transaction, but also
has the added advantage of clearly communicating the net result of the transaction.
There is another important piece of corroborating evidence that SDR Certificates are being used by
the ESF to hide its gold transactions. When several months ago I first read the audited financial
statement of the ESF, I was struck by a peculiar phrase in footnote #4, which in addition to
considerable explanatory text also provided a table of SDR purchases and sales during the year. The
text stated that these purchases and sales were"equivalent of SDR’s". Therefore, I concluded that
if they were"equivalent of SDR’s", SDR’s were not actually being used in the transaction. But I
wondered, if they weren’t SDR’s, then what were they? We don’t know for sure what they are, but
they are probably SDR Certificate transactions - not SDR’s, but only their"equivalent".
Let’s put the size of these transactions into perspective. As of December 2000, the ESF owned 10,539
million SDR’s, against which it has issued 2,200 million SDR Certificates. Therefore, 8,338 million
SDR’s are potentially ‘in play’, but we can refine this number given that it is the SDR Certificates
and not the SDR’s that are important.
The ESF by law cannot issue more SDR Certificates than it has SDR’s. The largest amount of SDR
Certificates outstanding was 10,168 million in December 1995, a significant date because I have
contended all along that government actions that have depressed the gold price began in 1996, which
is the same year that the SDR Certificates began to decline. From this peak to the present, the SDR
Certificates have been reduced by 7,968 million. Given that there are 35 SDR per ounce of gold, this
reduction in the SDR Certificate account equates to 227.7 million ounces, or 87% of the US Gold
Reserve. Does this mean that 87% of the US Gold Reserve has already been swapped? I don’t have
the answer to that question, but I would like to make four important observations that do in fact
suggest that substantially all of the US Gold Reserve has been put into play.
First, note on the accompanying table the dates when the SDR Certificates began to decline rapidly.
From 10,168 million in December 1995, the SDR Certificate account declined to 8,200 million by
June 1999, or 19% over 3½ years. Now look at the decline beginning in the third quarter of 1999,
which corresponds with the Washington Agreement signed in September of that year. In only 18
months the SDR Certificate account declined by 73%. Was there a panic to get gold into the market
after the Washington Agreement to keep the gold price from rising? This evidence sure does
support that conclusion.
Second, readers will recall how the US Treasury changed in September 2000 the classification of that
portion of the US Gold Reserve in West Point to"Custodial Gold". It is interesting and probably
meaningful to note that this change occurred in the fiscal year ending September 30th in which
there was a substantial decline in the SDR Certificates.
In"Behind Closed Doors" I speculated that the reason for this reclassification was that the Mint’s
accountants or its new director realized that it was misleading to continue calling this swapped metal
as"Gold Bullion Reserve". This logic may also explain why more recently, the entire US Gold
Reserve was reclassified as"Deep Storage Gold". If 87% of the US Gold Reserve has indeed been
swapped, it may have been too obvious an admission by the US Treasury to reclassify nearly the
entire US Gold Reserve as"Custodial Gold". Therefore, to give some semblance of proper
accounting while not totally divulging the truth, the Treasury came up with the half-baked term
"Deep Storage Gold". Further, it was my thinking that the Treasury, taking a lesson from lawyers
Clinton and Mattingly, probably defined this term in some obscure Treasury accounting manual.
What was a speculation on my part is now supported by a letter dated August 7, 2001, to Richard
May from John P. Mitchell, Deputy Director of the US Mint. Mitchell states:"The gold in West
Point was not reclassified - it was renamed to better conform to our audited financial statements."
Despite providing five pages of supporting material with his letter, Mitchell does not explain how this
‘renaming’ enables the Treasury to"better conform to [its] audited financial statements." The
logical conclusion is that this better conformation arises because the strict application of prudent
accounting principles no longer allows the Treasury to use the term"US Gold Reserves" because
more than half - and possibly 87% of it - has been swapped. Given that the Treasury does not want
to use the more accurate but alarming term"Custodial Gold", the US Gold Reserve has therefore
instead become"Deep Storage Gold", allowing the Treasury to remain within the letter if not the
spirit of the principle of full disclosure.
The third observation takes the above changes and explains them in weights of gold. The 6,000
million drop in SDR Certificates from June 1999 to December 2000 represents 171.4 million ounces,
or 28.6 million ounces (888.7 tonnes) per quarter. That’s a supply of about 3500 tonnes per year,
which added to 2500 tonnes new mine production implies an annual demand of 6000 tonnes for the
period of time after the Washington Agreement. Is this number reasonable?
In my opinion it is reasonable. Noted gold analyst Frank Veneroso contends that annual gold
demand has been running about 5000 tonnes, but this number reflects normal market conditions.
After the Washington Agreement and the price spike, the market was anything but normal. Even
though fabrication demand fell during that period, investment and monetary demand for gold
soared. So it is not unreasonable to expect that more than 1000 tonnes of newly supplied gold from
government dishoarding was needed in the months after the Washington Agreement to turn the
price back from the +$320 level reached at that time.
The fourth and final observation relates to a point I made in the last newsletter. I noted how
earmarked gold has been shipped from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at a rate of at least
40 tonnes per month beginning in September 2000, while also stating this new"dishoarding from the
NY Fed smacks of desperation". The above table confirms this conclusion.
The SDR Certificate account has not changed since the 4th quarter of 2000. With only 2,200 million
remaining, the SDR Certificate account, while not depleted, is near rock bottom and one must ask
how much more gold the US government is willing to throw at the market? I don’t think the answer
to that question is"all of it", so essentially there is no more US gold available for swapping.
Consequently, with these SDR Certificate swaps eliminated as a source of supply, another source of
gold had to be located to fill the gap between supply and demand.
In the last newsletter I suggested that the IMF is this new source. That’s just a supposition on my
part, but it seems logical that IMF gold is being shipped out of the FRB of NY. The quantities being
shipped are so large, the gold must be coming from a large hoard, and the IMF has, on paper at
least, one of the world’s largest. But regardless of whose it is, this gold is being shipped at a rate
greater than gold is being mined each month in South Africa, the world’s largest producer. That volume
of shipments smacks of desperation to get gold into the market, and the reason is clear. Because the
SDR Certificate swaps have ended, a new source of gold supply is needed to keep the gold price from
exploding upward.
In conclusion, it is becoming very obvious that the US government has put itself in an incredible
pickle. But we’ve seen this happen before.
In the 1960’s the US government dishoarded over 9000 tonnes of gold rather than admit that the
dollar had been debased and was no longer worth only $35 per ounce. Now it appears that perhaps as
much as 7,000 tonnes (227.7 million ounces) has been swapped for essentially the same purpose - to
intervene in the market to fight the truth, rather than admit that the dollar has again become very
debased relative to gold. ¤

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