Anatomy of a Gold Workout
Per my earlier post as quoting Midas that all the King’s men couldn’t solve the gold problem, it is really a sad state when a mere spec of au must come bail out the bailer-outers. But duty calls and I will help poor old Professor V. and the current Administration ketchup on the ways of the wise {men} {hello cb2}, a few humble suggestions in actuality.
All one has to do in order to solve the gold dilemma is to look back through the distant annals of history, focus in closely on the last 3-5 years, and voila!, the answers appear. This piece of work/dung {take your pick} will venture on a cynical but very truthful tour through three basic categories of advanced ‘reorganization ‘ methodology; 1. SCAVENGE 2.BAILOUT 3.OOPS, SORRY.
We shall start with the scavenge category because the vultures like to eat early. Let’s look closely at recent mining share history, back a few scant years to the Ashanti fiasco, in which I was an active participant to the detriment of my account portfolio balance. Might I gently ask who is picking the carcass of Ashanti, and at who’s expense? There are still some shares listed in my account, but no value is assigned to them. Oops, my bad. However, it seems that the gold formerly owned by ‘Ashanti’ has not disappeared, but has merely changed hands. Am I right here? This prototypical ‘Ashantization’ will become a roadmap for many more hedgehogs, as the gold manipulation unwinds. Barrick, AngloGold, multiple Australian miners, and other foolhardy entities around the globe will be raped by what they’ve sown. Some think these may become candidates for ‘sacrificial goats’, but that will actually not be the case. They certainly wouldn’t sacrifice Barrick insiders, maybe Barrick shareholders would be willing/available to take one for the Power Elite? Think they care anything about those foolish enough to Chase the gold windmill? Haven’t we already seen their contempt for gold shareholders, as well as any other form of gold aficionado? We're down the list after smokers and dentists. Ashanti assets {as well as Barrick’s should it be required} live on, to be picked up for nearly nothing by another insider favored and owned mega/mini/wannabee Vulture.
Remember Barrick was raised up from nothing but dust, it wouldn’t be real hard to do it all over once more, given the right connections, again. It is nothing more than an expendable vehicle. So the insiders must simply decide if an insolvent company, such as Ashanti was, is to be bailed out or simply scavenged. Who will get what treatment? Maybe we should look at who the corporate insiders are in a particular company, guess Ashanti fell a few directors short {ha}. Maybe we can watch together for some **insider selling** as the gold sickle falls? Ashanti wasn’t bailed out, merely picked clean. That’s what they get for being a public company w/o insider connections and ownership. They actually did have a GS connection, but it was mostly in a financial advisory capacity, LOL. Follow the Gold. Follow the Title. Follow the $. Follow the Cronies. This should scare the pants off anyone foolish enough to own an overly hedged miner at this point in the game.
The second tool in the bag of the Elitists for when times get a bit challenging is the actual Bailout technique. We look back a few short years so we are able to look forward a few short years {months?}. With the S&L bailout motto being “We bail out our friends, we don’t bailout the public”, it is simply buyer beware, but for the public only. In the LTCM screw up they were deemed “too big to fail”. Who exactly was too big to fail? Merriweather lives and works on, with a minor blot on the corporate resume, again practicing his flawed schemes. He was quite successfully bailed out, no? A better term would be “too well connected to fail”, for a little more truth and transparency in Govmt. So, Professor V, please tell the King that some of the gold insiders will be eligible for re-Knighthood. See Mexico and Russia.
Howe about GS, sacrificial goat or bailout? Your guess is as good as mine, but I distinctly remember they were taken public not long ago, making them at least vulnerable to a ‘reorganization’. Oops, another minor blot on the resume. Maybe we should all run out and buy some GS or JPM/C stock and play the game with the big boys? We would be deemed “too stupid to succeed”!
Now with the bailout scenario, I want to make sure I have this down perfectly correct. Robby Rubin is going to dig deep down into his pocket, taking his own honestly earned assets, and then personally go door to door, and make whole each and every individual investor. Apologizing profusely, and sincerely promising to never again take reckless risks with shareholder money. Also swearing off ever again holding a position of public trust or Corporate leadership. Is that the way it is to work? Maybe this should scare the remaining under garments off of some of the shareholders of these investment banks.
Now we get to my final and favorite category for solving the King’s problem, the Oops, Sorry tool. Per Professor V., for whom we all owe a deep debt of gratitude, the CBs have leased out up to ½ of their gold supply. Will they somehow find a way to get this gold back? Will they continue to empty the vaults to contain the coming damage? They lent this gold out in perfectly good faith, right? Every intention of getting it back, no devious motives involved whatsoever, only sincere public fiduciary responsibilities? Right.
People act as though the Cbs lost ‘their’ gold and now must be frantically trying to figure a way to get it back, ADULT MALE BOVINE FECES! They lost OUR gold and they could care less about fiduciary responsibility, their answer to that will be…..OOPS, SORRY.
So there you go Mr. President, your problem is now solved, you can now ‘get back to work for the American People' {Oops, Sorry, wrong President. It must be contagious}. You merely figure your closest homeys, bail em out, figure who needs their bones picked, and do a 'Oops, Sorry' for everyone else. Problem solved. Worked for Clinton.
Please let me know if ANOTHER crisis arises.
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