Hallo Jan,
nein, habe ich leider nicht, was ist die Quintessenz?!
Kannst Du mal ene Kurzfassung reinstellen?
Ist zwar von gestern, aber trotzdem interessant( unten)!
Die gute alte Deutsche Bank!
Beste Grüße
7/9/01 (www.usagold.com).... Gold trended sideways ahead of the Bank of England 20-tonne auction on Wednesday."Good physical offtake, particularly in Asia" is reported by one London trader, according to Dow Jones News Service. Standard Bank London added this interesting comment on Friday's trading:"The yellow metal opened under pressure in New York as fund selling pushed gold lower. Once again the funds were banging their heads against a brick wall as substantial physical demand thwarted the attempted move lower." Dow Jones also reports that Germany's Deutsche Bank sees the 'potential for a serious rise in the gold price,' noting gold demand already well in excess of mined production; says that this together with a structural shift in bank gold lending, further industry consolidation, more return-focused gold mines and consequently tightened supply could be stimulus for gold price." The consensus opinion seems to be that gold will remain quiet going into the BOE auction. There might be enough complacency in the air to usher in a surprise over the next few days. If its any indicator, we had strong sales at USAGOLD/CPM last week as the price dropped. It seems that investors, not just in Asia but in the United States and Europe as well, are now applying the"buy-the-dips" strategy formerly employed in the stock market. That's it for today, fellow goldmeisters. We'll update tomorrow if events warrant it. MK
>>aktuelle Kurse, ( mez 9.44 Uhr)
>>Anglogold ADR 18.19$
>>Durban 1.09$
>>Goldfields 4.04$
>>Harmony 5.28$
>>dies ist insofern etwas verwunderlich, da MORGEN die BOE
>>Gold Auktion ansteht!
>>>Hallo und einen guten Morgen,
>>>Hier die aktuellen SA Minen kurse in US $
>>>Anglogold ADR 17.89$
>>>Durban 1.08$
>>>Goldfields 3.97$
>>>Harmony 5.25$
>>>Der Rand ist im Einklang mit dem Euro, etwas
>>>fester,akzuell 8.1865.
>Hallo AU,
>hast Du Johanns letzte Aktualisierung gelesen? Er geht von einem Aktiencrash aus, dann einer nochmaligen Erholung bei gleichzeitig deutlich steigenden Goldpreisen.
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