Hier kurz die Schlußkurse von der Anglogold
Put-Option August ( Verfallsdatumn 17.8.01)
Basispreis 17.50 $, für den Fall, daß sich
jemand über das Wochende"ABSICHERN"
Put AUG. 17.50 AU Bid 0.50 Ask 0.75 US Dollar
Da es für Harmony bzw. Goldfield diese Möglichkeit
nicht gibt, ggf. die Trsding - Position in AU UM-
So wie aussieht, ( siehe mein letztes Posting)
wird von NUM und Mining -Chambers, bis zuletzt
Die"NUMSA" konzentriert sich auf die GRÃ-ßTEN,
deshalb gestern auch die Schwäche bei Anglogold!
Technisch sind alle Gold INDEXE noch im AUFWÄRTS-
TREND, in SA könnte es heute ( und nicht zuletzt)
am späten Abend je nach Ergebnisstand, zur
Zerreißprobe kommen, da das Wochenende
Sollte kein Streik anstehen, sind bzw. waren das evt. die letzten
idealen Einstiegskurse!
Da sich Gold (auf) - seitwärts und $ Index (fallend) - seitswärts
Trend befinden.
Der Dollar Index sollte - dürfte
die 117.70 nach oben nicht überschreiten, dann wäre
das nächste Ziel ca. 118.50.
Der Rand liegt im Moment bei ca. 8.18 zum Dollar.
Die aktuelle Minen Kurse:
Anglogold ADR 17.82$
Anglo American PLC 13.03$
Durban 0.917 $
Goldfields 4.07$
Harmony 5.17$
Beste Grüße
>Hallo und guten Morgen,
>hier die letzten News, bzg. SA Minen Streik.
>Melde mich später zurück.
>Coal and steel industry still outside the fold as other strikes recede
>Sherilee Bridge
>July 27 2001 at 08:50AM
>Johannesburg - South Africa's coal and steel industry yesterday still faced the threat of nationwide labour action as the chances of a gold mining strike faded and the three-day stayaway in the power industry came to an end.
>Three South African collieries were served with a 48-hour strike notice by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), and workers at Iscor signalled their intention to down tools after rejecting the iron and steel group's 7 percent wage offer.
>Crosby Moni, the deputy president of the NUM, said the union issued notice yesterday and members intended to begin the strike at Anglo, Ingwe and Eyesizwe on Sunday.
>NUM would meet both coal and gold mining companies today in the hope of averting the strike. Moni said the union was still talking to the collieries over an improved offer, but today's meeting would be the last chance for coal companies to reverse the decision.
>Gold mining companies have had to wait since Tuesday for word on whether the union's members had accepted its improved offer. The mining houses have agreed to NUM demands for an increase from a current industry minimum wage of R1 200 to R2 000 a month in a two-year deal.
>They also agreed that employees above that minimum would get pay rises ranging between 7,5 percent and 8,5 percent for both years.
>The NUM's 200 000 members, balloted on Monday, voted overwhelmingly in favour of a wage strike, but this now appears unlikely.
>Moni said about 18 000 coal mine workers would down tools from night shift on Sunday.
>He said the unresolved issues centred on medical benefits, meal breaks and a guaranteed wage offer.
>The coal miners are demanding 8,5 percent across-the-board increases and, like their peers in the gold industry, want a R2 000 monthly minimum wage.
>Ingwe and Eyesizwe have offered an 8 percent rise, while Anglo has offered 7,5 percent.
>News that the coal industry strike would roll ahead came as a settlement was reached in the power industry, where thousands of workers at Eskom have been on strike for three days.
>Eskom's 21 000 unionised workers were demanding wage increases between 7 percent and 9 percent for different job categories, while the electricity utility's offer was lower by 2 percentage points.
>The NUM said workers had accepted a revised wage offer, ending the strike that threatened to cause power disruptions across the country. The lowest-paid workers would receive a 10 percent increase and the highest paid would get 7,5 percent more.
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