- An dottore wg. Roubini (mT) - DT, 09.09.2007, 18:47
- Re: Lieber DT, braucht a bisserl Zeit und vor allem Sorgfalt - hoffe citissime (o.Text) - dottore, 09.09.2007, 19:18
- Re: An dottore wg. Roubini (mT) - aprilzi, 09.09.2007, 19:39
- Re: Ausser Betrieb - Tassie Devil, 09.09.2007, 21:15
- Re: The idiocy of those - Tassie Devil, 10.09.2007, 09:02
- Re: An dottore wg. Roubini (mT) - dottore, 10.09.2007, 13:25
- Oh mein Gott! - LeCoquinus, 10.09.2007, 19:43
Re: An dottore wg. Roubini (mT)
Also ich hab zwar nicht so die Ahnung von Wirtschaft aber was ich so lese
haben wir eine Vertrauenskrise, da die Amis die Investoren
belogen haben. Also muessen sie kleinere Broetchen backen.
“ The hope of every central bank is that the real problem can be kept from public view. The truth is that the public---even professionals on Wall Street---have no clue what the real problem is. They know it has something to do with derivatives, but none of them realize that it's more than a $20 trillion mountain of unfunded, unregulated paper that has just been discovered to not have a market and, therefore, no real value… When the dollar realizes the seriousness of the situation---be that now or sometime soon---the bottom will drop out. ” Jim Sinclair, Investment analyst
The Basel Committee on Banking (Basel 2) requires “banks to boost the capital they hold in reserve against the loans on their books.”
Sounds like a good thing, doesn't it? This protects the overall financial system as well as the individual depositor. Unfortunately, the banks found a way to circumvent the rules for minimum reserves by “securitizing” pools of mortgages (MBS) rather than holding individual mortgages. (which called for more reserves) This provided lavish origination and distribution fees for banks, but shifted much of the risk of default to Wall Street investors. Now, the banks are saddled with roughly $300 billion in mortgage-backed debt (CDOs) that no one wants and it is uncertain whether they have sufficient reserves to cover their losses.
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