- TOMOs heute: 3.158% (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:04
- Und hier die ABX; weiter leicht erholt (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:23
- Jetzt kommen wir den Hintergründen für die Dollar"stärke" doch etwas näher (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:34
- Und hier noch etwas pointierter von Bloomberg (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:48
- Re: Und hier noch etwas pointierter von Bloomberg (mT) - Eike, 29.11.2007, 23:46
- Und hier noch etwas pointierter von Bloomberg (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:48
- Jetzt kommen wir den Hintergründen für die Dollar"stärke" doch etwas näher (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:34
- Und hier die ABX; weiter leicht erholt (mT) - DT, 29.11.2007, 22:23
Re: Und hier noch etwas pointierter von Bloomberg (mT)
-->Kurze verstaendnisfrage:
Welche auswirkungen hat es denn bzw. Welchen sinn, wenn der basiszins bei 4,5% liegt und die notenbank geld zu knapp ueber 3 % verleiht?!?
Bzw. Was bedeutet es, wenn die ezb geld in den markt pumpt, aber der libor sich nicht senkt?!?
Und letzte frage: kann es sein, dass dieses billige geld in die abxe fliesst, damit die abschreibungen der banken nicht so hoch ausfallen?!?
Gruesse eike
>LIBOR once again slaps benny boy right across his bearded face
>One-Month Libor Soars as Banks Seek Year-End Funding (Update3)
>By Gavin Finch
>Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- The cost of borrowing in euros for a month rose by a record and loans in dollars climbed the most in more than a decade as banks sought funds to cover their commitments through to the start of 2008 amid a credit squeeze.
>The London interbank offered rate that banks charge each other for euro loans due after the end of the year jumped 64 basis points to 4.81 percent, the highest since May 2001, the British Bankers' Association said. The rate for dollars jumped 40 basis points to 5.23 percent, the highest since Sept. 18, when the Federal Reserve cut the target rate for overnight loans for the first time in 4 1/2 years.
>Soaring bank lending rates reflect growing concern about the strength of financial institutions after more than $60 billion of writedowns this year linked to U.S. subprime-mortgage defaults. Losses may rise to $300 billion, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
>``The increases we've seen in borrowing costs cannot be simply explained away by year-end pressures; this is a full-on credit crisis,'' said Stuart Thomson, who helps oversee $46 billion in bonds at Resolution Investment Management Ltd. in Glasgow, Scotland. ``There's no end in sight either. It's a really unpleasant picture.''
>Today is the first day on which a cash loan of one month will cover a borrower's needs through the end-of-year holiday period.
>`Heavy Cash Requirement'
>``Things aren't getting better; cash will be extremely tight at least into year-end,'' said Andy Chaytor, a fixed- income strategist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in London. ``There is a heavy cash requirement.''
>The cost of borrowing British pounds for three months rose for a 14th day, while loans in dollars and euros climbed for a 12th day, nearing peaks set in mid-September, indicating attempts by central banks to free up credit are failing.
>The Bank of England said today it will auction emergency five-week funds on Dec. 6. The European Central Bank said last week there's a ``re-emerging risk of volatility'' and it will supply cash ``for as long as it is needed,'' while the Fed said this week it will ``provide sufficient reserves to resist upward pressure'' on borrowing costs around the turn of the year.
>The three-month dollar rate climbed 4 basis points to 5.12 percent 62 basis points more than the Fed's benchmark rate and the biggest difference since Sept. 18, according to the BBA. The euro rate increased 3 basis points to 4.78 percent, 78 basis points more than the ECB's main refinancing rate and the highest since Oct. 3. The pound rate rose 1 basis point to 6.6 percent, 85 basis points more than the Bank of England's key rate, the most since Sept. 18.
>The ``TED'' spread, or the difference between three-month U.S. Treasury bill yields and three-month dollar Libor widened to 2.11 percentage points, matching the most since Aug. 20.
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