- Der Unfug mit dem Links"ohne Kommentar" reinstellen. GRUNDSATZ-BEITRAG - dottore, 08.12.2001, 20:19
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - Theo Stuss, 08.12.2001, 23:17
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - dira, 09.12.2001, 00:39
- Re: Der Unfug mit den Links - JÜKÜ, 09.12.2001, 01:20
- Re: Der Unfug mit den Links - Oldy, 09.12.2001, 02:45
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - dottore, 09.12.2001, 11:21
- Re: Der Unfug mit den Links - JÜKÜ, 09.12.2001, 01:20
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - nereus, 09.12.2001, 13:03
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - Jochen, 09.12.2001, 13:15
- Re:.. - die Kennedys und der Teufel - Jochen ;-) - nereus, 09.12.2001, 20:28
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - dottore, 10.12.2001, 11:23
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - XERXES, 10.12.2001, 19:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - dottore, 10.12.2001, 20:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - XERXES, 10.12.2001, 20:33
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - dottore, 10.12.2001, 20:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys, der Teufel und die Bohemians - nereus, 10.12.2001, 19:53
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys, der Teufel und die Bohemians - dottore, 10.12.2001, 20:08
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys, der Teufel und die Bohemians - apoll, 10.12.2001, 20:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - William Cooper - JüKü, 10.12.2001, 20:16
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys, der Teufel und die Bohemians - apoll, 10.12.2001, 20:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys, der Teufel und die Bohemians - dottore, 10.12.2001, 20:08
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - XERXES, 10.12.2001, 19:13
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - die Kennedys und der Teufel - Jochen, 09.12.2001, 13:15
- Interessante Links ohne Kommentar: Dienen meiner Urteilsfaehigkeit! - Josef, 09.12.2001, 13:58
- Re: Interessante Links ohne Kommentar: Dienen meiner Urteilsfaehigkeit! - dottore, 10.12.2001, 11:07
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - PuppetMaster, 09.12.2001, 15:41
- Re: Der Unfug mit dem Links - dottore, 10.12.2001, 11:01
- Re: Der Unfug von BILD betr. Sebnitz und dem ermordeten Joseph war dann was? - Baldur der Ketzer, 09.12.2001, 16:14
- Re: Der Unfug von BILD betr. Sebnitz /grüß dich, baldur...schön dich zu lesen - Cujo, 09.12.2001, 16:23
- Re: Der Unfug von BILD war auch der Unfug von FAZ, taz, NZZ usw. LEIDER! - dottore, 10.12.2001, 10:50
- Re: Der Unfug von BILD und FAZ, taz, NZZ usw. Wer ist da schuld? - Baldur der Ketzer, 11.12.2001, 20:01
- Was Unfug ist, entscheidest NICHT Du, sondern jeder für sich! - Standing Bear, 09.12.2001, 20:25
- Re: Was Unfug ist, entscheidest NICHT Du, sondern jeder für sich! - dottore, 10.12.2001, 10:43
Re:.. - die Kennedys und der Teufel - Jochen ;-)
Hallo Jochen!
Wer solche Äußerungen (siehe folgender Artikel) in die Presse setzen darf, gehört in der Tat beobachtet.
Wir sind uns mal wieder einig und schön von Dir das Du mit aufpassen willst.
Poor Taste Pundits
If there were troubling touches of dementia and unfortunate lapses of taste amid the national media's mourning for John F. Kennedy Jr. -- and there were -- then at least most of those excesses were meant to approximate human sympathy and concern.
More disturbing by far was the inability of certain"conservative" commentators to suppress their contempt for his stricken family, even while family members were grieving their loss.
For some important figures on the right, hatred of the Kennedys seems to be a chronic and unmanageable psychosis. It is no doubt linked with their own feelings of inadequacy and frustration, as well as with their resentment of a legend that endowed public service and liberal politics with glamour and style.
Only such a peculiar form of emotional illness can account for the venom spat out by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and John Podhoretz, two prominent right-wing pundits who expressed to their offline audiences what others of their ilk were posting on the Internet.
For normal people of any political persuasion, simple dignity and a degree of self-respect normally preclude indecent behavior at anybody's funeral.
But Limbaugh and Podhoretz, could not restrain themselves long enough to even let the Kennedys bury their dead.
While he complained repeatedly that the media were devoting too much attention to the Kennedy story, Limbaugh himself couldn't stay away, although later he may have wished he had. To him, the massive and reverent coverage indicated a conspiracy by the liberal-dominated broadcasting and publishing industries.
"JFK Jr. was who he was by virtue of his family name and the way the media is just flat-out in love with this family," Limbaugh whined on July 19."It is ideological, it's sycophantic." He admitted that neither he nor anyone he knew had anything critical to say about the deceased, but then couldn't keep himself
from adding,"To listen to the networks, to listen to the media cover this, John F. Kennedy Jr. could walk on water, he just couldn't fly over it."
Having delivered this gross witticism, Limbaugh then dwelled at length on what he imagined to have been the physical fate of Kennedy, his wife and his sister-in-law."I figured out how hard this plane must have hit the water... and in a situation like that, you know what seat belts do? They keep you in the seat but they also, they act, I mean, they're not much different than knives in a situation like that. So, what is going to be found here is not pleasant to ponder. That's why they're going to have trouble here in finding anything that is any sizable representative [of the bodies]."
Nor could he resist denigrating the late Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, for allegedly prompting her son to salute his father's caisson in that incessantly repeated film clip from November 1963.
"I think it is disingenuous of the media to portray this in a way that it didn't happen. It was a photo op. Jackie had the presence of mind to understand it. Way back then it was spin, no less and no more, it was a photo op, no less and no more. The fact that the young man had no idea what he was doing doesn't get pointed out... My friends, you are being shown a bunch of mythology on the media and... you are being portrayed mythologically yourselves."
That last remark seems particularly emblematic of Limbaugh's mind-set. To him, the nation's sorrow at the passing of his own ideological adversaries - or even of a young Kennedy who avoided ideology -- must be mythical, not real. Why would any real American mourn for a dynasty of liberals?
Egregiously offensive as Limbaugh was and is, his infantile outbursts were outdone by Podhoretz, the editorial page editor of the New York Post who also writes a bylined column for the reactionary tabloid. Under the headline"A Conversation in Hell," Podhoretz imagined Satan gloating over his supposed guest for eternity, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. All the triumphs and all the tragedies were the devil's work, products of a Faustian bargain struck by the family patriarch.
"I said I'd make Jack president," says the devil to Joe Kennedy."I didn't say he'd finish out his term. And I didn't say you'd get another. That was your mistake, trying again with Bobby... And you didn't listen, you just wouldn't listen, you were still intent on the idea that Teddy might do it... But I have news for you. That Chappaquiddick business? He called on me to save him from a manslaughter charge. He'll be keeping you company when his time is up...
"Every time you think your family is on its way back to glory, I just have to do something. Like I did this weekend, with your grandson John."
So vile was this column that the publisher of the Post, upon seeing it in the first edition, ordered it stripped from subsequent editions. And Podhoretz, possibly worrying that his job might be endangered, acknowledged that he had gone too far.
Are Limbaugh and Podhoretz, despite their powerful influence over right-wing opinion, merely two creepy oddballs spinning out of control? Or do they stand for a more widespread impulse, dating back to the JFK-hating pamphlets that littered the streets of Dallas in the days before Nov. 22, 1963?
That same ugliness was all too persistent during the orgy of Clinton-hating that swept over the American right in recent years. The great majority of decent conservatives ought to ask themselves whether such hideous behavior is worthy of their cause.
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